Blog / Hello World

Posted by Matthew Roberts on October 12, 2011

I have decided to follow in the steps of my business partner Malcolm McCulloch, and friend Wesley Ellis, and add a blog to my personal site.

My journey started with Ruby on Rails and PHP-MySQL, but I decided I didn’t want to spend the time to develop something from scratch. Looking into platforms like Google Sites, Blogger and Wordpress, I wanted to completely customize the design to fit it into the current site design. I finally reached a decision to use Tumblr.

This is the final result.

I am still working out some design kinks, but it is complete enough to publicize. I decided not to have a picture of me on the back… that seems a little vain for a blog, whereas my main site is more portfolio / resume driven. Right now it is a picture I snapped from Cape D’Or, near Advocate, NS but this will probably change. (Maybe in the future I will set up a rotating background between a couple predefined pictures.)

Signing off for now,
